sexta-feira, 26 de maio de 2017

Logos - Significados

Um filme de animação repleto de metáforas inerentes à cultura japonesa, que vamos descobrindo e entendendo à medida que procuramos compreender e desvendar cada mensagem presente.... Uma cena tão simples mas com uma mensagem sublimar:

"Notice the two frogs, seemingly of no consequence. For an audience familiar with the tale, there is an entire message being conveyed with nothing but visuals. Kaeru, the Japanese word for frog, is a homophone of sorts to the verb of kaeru, or to return home. We already know the fate of the princess, so this is more of a wink from the director than anything else. But then the frogs jump on top of each other, just like you see on the Discovery Channel, and then a second message became clear: Kaeru no ko wa kaeru, ‘the child of a frog is still a frog’. We all know baby frogs are tadpoles, and look vastly different from their parents, but in the end they mature into frogs. You are what you are, in other words, reinforcing the caste system at the time of the tale. The conclusion of the scene; the infant princess holds the frog in her hand."*

Em Portugal temos a expressão de engolir sapos... Será que vale a pena?
Será que são mesmo sapos, ou será o nosso entendimento pouco tolerante?
Imagem uma das sequências do Filme  - Conto da Princesa Kaguya.

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