sábado, 3 de setembro de 2022

Labirinto do jardim Glendurgan

 Uma imagem descoberta há vários anos e um nome encontrado há poucas semanas, formam um lugar que preenche o imaginário, tornado real.

"Glendurgan Garden  is a National Trust garden situated above the hamlet of Durgan on the Helford River and near Mawnan Smith, in the civil parish of Mawnan, Cornwall, England, United Kingdom.
Glendurgan Garden was laid out by Alfred Fox in the 1820s and 1830s. In 1962 Glendurgan Garden was given to the National Trust by Cuthbert and Philip Fox.

"Visitors to Glendurgan today are following in the footsteps of the Fox family when they enjoy both of these much-loved parts of Glendurgan. With the Giant's Stride put up in 1915 and the maze planted nearly a hundred years earlier in 1833, family entertainment has always been part of Glendurgan."*

The living puzzle _ Planted on one side of the valley, this living puzzle is in the heart of the garden. Most people can't wait to reach the middle of the maze, but some enjoy the simple pleasure of sitting opposite and watching others experience confusion, frustration and hopefully celebration. It's planted with cherry laurel which is vigorous and tough enough to withstand regular trimming and footsteps around its roots. Palm trees mark the four corners of the puzzle and a thatched summerhouse sits in the middle."*

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