domingo, 12 de fevereiro de 2017

Parque Nacional Deosai, Paquistão.

Parque Nacional Deosai

Novamente o Paquistão, aos fim de semanas sonhamos com novos destinos, novas vidas, novas sensações e descobertas.
A liberdade parece existir neste território sem fim, relembro outras viagens, o sentido da vida adquire um novo rumo e um novo significado; somos levados para longe.
[E tem ursos...]
"Deosai "دیوسای٘" means 'the land of Giants'.It is locally called غبیارسہ Ghbiarsa by Balti people because it is only accessible in summer.
The Deosai National Park is located in between Skardu, Gultari, Kharmang and Astore Valley, in Gilgit-Baltistan.
​Deosai National Park is at an average elevation of 4,114 meters (13,497 ft) above sea level, making the Deosai Plains one of the highest plateaus in the world. The park protects an area of 3,000 square kilometers (1,200 sq mi). It is well known for its rich flora and fauna of the Karakoram-West Tibetan Plateau alpine steppe eco-region. In the spring season it is covered by sweeps of wildflowers and a wide variety of butterflies."*
Todas as imagens foram retiradas da Internet.
[Mais uma vez a formatação revoltou-se.]

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