quarta-feira, 12 de julho de 2017

Jardim de Fin, Irão (39)

Finalmente no Irão!
باغ فین
Jardim de Fin
Século XVI
"I've always loved the fact that via "Paradise" - itself a Persian word -  the garden was one of man's first manifestations of creating a 'heaven' on 'earth.' Beautiful gardens in Iran - with water, always playing a spiritual role."*
O engenho na manipulação da água revelando o conhecimento da cultura Persa, segundo a UNESCO:
"The Persian Garden represents a masterpiece of human creative genius.(...)The creation of the Persian Garden was made possible due to intelligent and innovative engineering solutions and a sophisticated water-management system, as well as the appropriate choice of flora and its location in the garden layout. Indeed, the Persian Garden has been associated with the idea of earthly Paradise, forming a stark contrast to its desert setting."

* Mais um jardim persa falado aqui no blogue:

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