sexta-feira, 14 de julho de 2017

Jardim de Fin, Irão (40)

Finalmente no Irão!
باغ فین
Jardim de Fin
Século XVI
"I've always loved the fact that via "Paradise" - itself a Persian word -  the garden was one of man's first manifestations of creating a 'heaven' on 'earth.' Beautiful gardens in Iran - with water, always playing a spiritual role."*
O reconhecimento do valor dos jardins Persas pela UNESCO:
"The property includes nine gardens in as many provinces. They exemplify the diversity of Persian garden designs that evolved and adapted to different climate conditions while retaining principles that have their roots in the times of Cyrus the Great, 6th century BC. Always divided into four sectors, with water playing an important role for both irrigation and ornamentation, the Persian garden was conceived to symbolize Eden and the four Zoroastrian elements of sky, earth, water and plants. These gardens, dating back to different periods since the 6th century BC, also feature buildings, pavilions and walls, as well as sophisticated irrigation systems. They have influenced the art of garden design as far as India and Spain."
[Não te faz lembrar um jardim na cidade do Porto? Ainda há dias falamos sobre ele...]

* Mais um jardim persa falado aqui no blogue:

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