sexta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2016

Vagharshapat, Arménia.

Cidade Vagharshapat

Catedral Etchmiadzin, na antiga capital da Arménia, Vagharshapat
 A catedral mais antiga da Arménia fundada quando o Cristianismo se tornou a religião do Estado [ano 301 depois de Cristo].

Fotografia recente.

Planta actual.
As imagens antigas foram todas retiradas da Internet.

1 - Engraving of Etchmiadzin by French traveler Jean Chardin, 1670s (detail) Robert Sears described the monastery in 1855 as follows: "The monastery is surrounded by a wall thirty feet high, entered by four gates, and flanked by towers, which, as well as the walls, are built of brick, excepting the base, and furnished with loopholes, giving the whole structure the appearance of a large quadrangular fortress."
2 - A view of Mount Ararat from the Three Churches", from the Joseph Pitton de Tournefort's A voyage into the Levant (1718). The cathedral is depicted on the middle right side.
3 - View of Echmiadzin in Armenia by Russian painter Mikhail Ivanov (1748-1823)
4 - Kurds and Persians attacking Vagharshapat, by Prince Grigory Gagarin, Paris, 1847
5 - Painting of Echmiadzin Cathedral by an unknown European artist, 1870s kept at the Echmiadzin Cathedral Treasury, Armenia.
6 - Paul Rohrbach, "Armenien : Beiträge zur armenischen Landes- und Volkskunde", 1919, Stuttgart.

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