domingo, 8 de outubro de 2017

As portas dos Igbos.

Terra dos Igbos.

República do Biafra, Igbolândia? A sul da Nigéria descobrimos um importante grupo étnico que produziu os elementos que apresento em seguida, dando continuidade à publicação da semana passada*.
Portas - Passagens Interrompidas.

Aldeia Awka, Nigéria.
"This door comes from the north-central region of Nigeria where compound gateways were highly elaborate. Their size and artistic decoration reflected the grandeur of the male meeting house and thus the status, wealth, and social influence of the family head. Such doors often protected shrines visited by travelers hoping to obtain success and good luck. Highly skilled professional carvers were responsible for crafting doors; those working in Awka were the best known."´*

Todas as imagens foram retiradas da Internet.

*Publicação anterior:


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